Saskatchewan Creates New Immigration Category to Assist Graduates

December 3, 2019 : In a press release Immigration and Career Training Minister Jeremy Harrison) unveiled the new International Graduate Entrepreneur Category. He said that “It will help create new businesses and jobs, as well as keep Saskatchewan competitive in attracting and retaining international students and investment.”

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This new immigration pathway is intended to keep international students who have already integrated into the communities in the province. Also, it is intended to create new business and jobs and maintain Saskatchewan’s competitive edge to attract and keep international students and assets in the province.

Advanced Education Minister Tina Beaudry-Mellor said in a release. “International education is an important driver for Saskatchewan’s future economic and cultural growth, and this new category will help encourage international students to make Saskatchewan their home once they complete their studies.”

This new category is geared towards applicants who have completed a full-time post-secondary degree or diploma of at least two years in duration from an eligible Saskatchewan institution. Those approved will need to operate and manage a business in the province for a minimum period of one year, and own at least one-third of the equity of a qualified business to qualify for permanent residence nomination.

Applicants need a post-graduation work permit from the federal government to operate their business.

Are you eligible to apply under this new graduate entrepreneur category? Contact us today at, for a free evaluation.
