Ontario Plans to Reopen Postsecondary Education in Summer

Amid the post Covid-19 plan for gradual and safe resumption of activities; beginning July 2020, there will be limited in-person instruction at postsecondary institutions across the province of Ontario for the summer term. This is essentially for students who were not able to graduate due to the pandemic.

This first phase will allow institutions to reopen to provide in-person instruction to students in essential, frontline, and high labour market demand areas, such as nursing, personal support workers, engineering, and other critical professions. Students across the province could benefit from this summer's reopening.

In September, all students will have the opportunity to attend postsecondary education through virtual learning, in-class instruction, or hybrid formats.

This limited summer reopening will enable education institutions prepare for the fall term to ensure that proper health and safety procedures are in place.

In order to maintain Ontario's position as a global leader in higher education and research, the government is looking at unlocking the potential of virtual learning, and adapting postsecondary education and training to meet the needs of a rapidly changing job market and economy.

In 2018-19, more than 800,000 students enrolled in Ontario’s colleges, universities, Indigenous Institutes and private career colleges located in every region of the province.