Exemption from the requirement to apply for restoration within 90 days of losing temporary resident status for all foreign nationals

While all in-Canada foreign nationals who have lost their temporary resident status within the specified timeframe will be exempted from the requirement to apply for restoration within 90 days of losing their status, the authority to work while their restoration and work permit applications are being processed will be available only to those who were previously assessed as workers (that is, who held a work permit in the 12 months prior to their application for restoration of temporary resident status), have a job offer, and have submitted an employer-specific work permit application supported by a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA).

Foreign national restoring their temporary resident status

Individuals expected to benefit from the exemption from the requirement to apply for restoration within 90 days of losing temporary resident status are in-Canada foreign nationals who have been out of status for more than 90 days.

Foreign national seeking interim work authorization

Individuals expected to benefit from interim work authorization are temporary foreign workers who need to apply for restoration and held a work permit valid within the last 12 months.

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