Confirmation of Permanent Residence and Permanent Resident Visa Update amid Coronavirus

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) advised that Permanent residence application, for finalized applications and refusals that are not related to the disruption of services, are ongoing.



Permanent residence applicants who have a confirmation of permanent residence (COPR) and permanent resident visa (PRV) need to advise IRCC through a web form that they are unable to travel.

IRCC will then put a note in the applicant’s file explaining that the applicant is not able to travel, and the file will be brought forward to the expiration date of the COPR and PRV. If the applicant informs IRCC that they can travel prior to the COPR and PRV expiration, they are must use their existing COPR and PRV to land.

If the applicant informs IRCC through the web form that they are unable or unwilling to travel after the expiration of their COPR and PRV, or if they are unable or unwilling to travel prior to expiration, IRCC will re-open the application, and the file will be brought forward for review in 90 days.

Once the applicant informs IRCC that they are able to travel, IRCC will re-approve a re-opened application as long as the applicant and their family members have valid immigration medical examinations, criminal and security checks and passports.