Canada to Welcome more than one million new immigrants during 2020-2022

Canada immigration - 1 million immigrants between 2020-2022

Canada immigration - 1 million immigrants between 2020-2022

Marco Mendicino, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship in his speech on February 28, outlined Canada's immigration vision to welcome more than one million new immigrants during 2020-2022.
His speech, aptly titled ‘Immigration: A Driver of Economic Growth In Canada’, Mendicino stated that Canada required immigration to keep the economy growing, as the labour marker was shrinking due to the baby boomers retiring and the population in general ageing.

Immigration, Mendicino advised is a key solution and it is vital that Canada attracts skilled immigrants to address the labour shortages. Today immigration accounted for 80 per cent of the population growth and in the years to come that number was bound to increase.