As COVID-19 strains nurses, Singh says feds must ease barriers for those trained abroad

As COVID-19 strains nurses, Singh says feds must ease barriers for those trained abroad

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh says Ottawa must make it easier for nurses trained abroad to contribute to the fight against COVID-19 in Canada, as the virus continues to strain health-care workers and the new Omicron variant fuels new concerns about the ongoing evolution of the virus.

In an interview with The West Block‘s Mercedes Stephenson, Singh said the government should create a work permit for nurses who qualify to come to Canada under immigration pathways prioritizing health-care workers, but whose applications for permanent residency face continued delays.

“We’re in a massive shortage of health-care workers, particularly nurses. But there are thousands of nurses who are trained internationally who are in Canada, and the only barrier to them actually being able to work is their immigration status,” said Singh.
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