Alberta launches Foreign Graduate Start-Up Visa Stream

On January 27, 2021, Alberta launched the Foreign Graduate Start-up Visa Stream (FGSVS). The FGSVS is an economic immigration program for qualified foreign educated graduates from outside of Canada who want to launch start-up enterprises and innovative businesses in Alberta. The Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) is now accepting applications from eligible candidates.

Foreign graduates who are keen to apply under the FGSVS must work with a designated agency. The designated agency will issue a letter of recommendation if it considers that the foreign graduate meets the AINP requirements. The foreign graduate requires to submit the letter of recommendation with their Expression of Interest (EOI) through the AINP Portal.

The designated agency will review business plans based on the foreign graduate’s ability to demonstrate market need or demand, the potential for successful market entry in the short-term to medium-term, customer acquisition, business development, key partnerships and financial plans to fund the development and operation of the start-up. The designated agency will provide a written report on their assessment of the proposed business plan. Foreign graduates must submit this report with their FGSVS Business Application.

Read more about the eligibility criteria here