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Most Canadians View New Immigrants Positively

Global study finds Canadians share most favourable view of immigrants

Canadians have the most favourable view of immigrants among the world’s top migrant destination countries, viewing newcomers as a strength rather than a burden, says a new international survey. The report by Washington-based Pew Research Center also found Canadians are the least likely to blame immigrants for crime or an increased risk of terrorism, among the respondents in 18 countries that together host half of the world’s migrants. “Canada is at the top of the list in believing immigration is a plus to the country,” said Jeffrey Reitz, director of ethnic, immigration and pluralism studies at the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, who is not involved in the survey. 68% of Canadian respondents in the survey believed immigrants make the country stronger while only 27% said newcomers are a liability because they take jobs and social benefits, said the report.